mission statement

I'm just a tear in the public eye. I really want this site to be of some sort of value for you, as well as for me. It is a way for you to get to know me, in one way: 'show me your art and I'll tell you who you are'. It is a way for me to get to know you, when you write me a reaction.

From laughing or crying, it don't mean that much to me. It doesn't matter if you totally agree with what I wrote or otherwise created. It doesn't matter if you like it or hate it. I does matter that it gives you a feeling, just like the way it gave me a feeling when creating it.

Some sort of reaction is all that I need. I started this site to find people who can see the value and beauty of it, who understand the purpose of it and my ideas about it. I want to provoke a reaction. But more important: I want to provoke your reaction.

recycling and reinventing

If you come 'cross something, some idea, some sentence or some thought, and you believe you can use it in one of your own projects, writings or conversations, it's okay to do so, as long as it's an original approach. Don't rip it, extend it.

Please let me know if you do so.

copyright notice

All contents of this site, including the site itself, are an original artwork.

Copyright © 1994-2003 by Gertjan L. Wijnalda.