Another Daylife
Gertjan Wijnalda, february 2001

about this song
"it's not your fault". "it's not about you" yeah, sure. when it's not about you and it's not about me, you might as well blame it on the fact that it's another 'day' (whatever that might be) or another life...

this song is about those weak excuses I've started called 'daylifes' long before I wrote this song, about those people that belief that you can solve all problems if you just think long enough 'bout them (... oh yeah, I'm one of those! =]).

listen to it   [ realaudio ]
there is no recording of this song available at this time.

Another Daylife
(G.L. Wijnalda)

Run around 'till you gonna find out
You've not been aware of the fact
That you're already there where you wanna be
Wonder how you got here?

Climb a tree 'till you gonna see
That you're never gonna reach safety of a beach
While you're swimming around some sea
That you never even had to be in the first place
Any how, any more (my sea of tears)

I'll wait around 'till you gonna fill out
The form that we need to get out
O f the deep dark waters that we're drowning in

I wonder and I think about the time I'll never know
You're so assured by wondering we'll get there, anyhow
And as we're wondering we came to realize it's all no use
'Cause when it's not about you, and it's not about me
Then it's just another day, another life
Another daylife

Cry out loud 'till you gonna find out
Your grief is a source for belief
That I'll leave like a thief in the night
Wonder why you feel so?

Look at me 'till you gonna see
That you're never gonna reach the end of the breach
When you're fooling around with some knife
That you never even should've found
In the first place any how, any more (a penny for your thoughts now)

Think of me 'till you're getting free
On the line that we'll throw to get out
Of the snowpeaked mountains that we're drifting up


Listen to me 'till you're gonna see
That it's really the truth that I tell you
While I'm singing the word today
That I never even had to say
Or I just didn't say before (I wonder why I didn't)

I wonder if I'll kiss you any how, any where, any time, any more
Do you wonder if you'll kiss me any how, any where, any time

Any more?