own songs (solo)
all songs written by me for fun, for a special occasion, for a special someone or just for the world to enjoy. please bear with me as i'm slowly trying to put all the lyrics online ... and after that, snippets of all songs will be included as well ...

a lipstick under a pillow (june 2001)
a new year
(march 2003)
another daylife
(february 2001)
any right (april 2002)
azure ink
(november 1998, june 1999, january 2000)
believe (january-february 1998)
beyond the horizon (december 1997)
cast in shadow (may 2000)
change now (december 2003)
conquering america (in a day) (november 2003)
december snow (december 1998)
desireless (september 2000)
dreamer (january 2004)
drift away (february 2004)
fatal addiction (october 1996) with aliek uijlenbroek
flight (april 1997)
going home (october 2003)
grains of sand (january 2004)
leave me there (november 2003)
long time gone (april 2003)
love ain't good (march 2003)
love is a strange thing (may 2003)
lucy (april 1998)
my friend (february 2001)
my love (august 2002)
no shoes (september 2003)
nobody told me (january 2004)
one year (lost, around july 1997) with aliek uijlenbroek
only shadows (november 1999)
raining in my life (september 2003)
rain song (june 2002)
reminisce (september 2000)
sirens (may 2003)
star (october 1998)
stay for a while (july 2002)
stay with me
(november 2003)
state of mind
(january 2004)
still believe
(june 1998)
strong (april 2003)
take the way home (january 2004)
the days (july 2002)
unconditional (august 1999)
unique (november 1997)
why (november 1996)
your mind (step out) (february 2004)

own songs (seven minus)
songs written for use of the band i sing and play in, see our site at www.sevenminus.com for more information.

a lipstick under a pillow (june 2001)
dream on (january 2003) with seven minus
horizons (october 2003)
limitations of honesty (january 2004) with arnold immerzeel
mirror waltz (september 2003)
(this war's) never over (september 2002)
sea of tears (december 2002)
something has left my mind (december 2003)
stars (november 2002)
the night (october 2002) with jasper neuteboom
whatever it takes (february 2003)
when the fire comes (june 2003)

with my father
making music together with someone is even better than making music alone. my father has always been a very productive writer, and every once in a while i added to some of his songs my lyrics, additional verses and musical ideas. in recent years, unfortunately, very few have been saved. all of them take a very special place in my heart, still.

beg you for a reason (april 1996)
good old james (november 1995)
je kan het niet verbergen (june 1996) dutch version of 'beg you for a reason'
laat me los (august 1996)
maggie blake's cause
(july 1997)
the way i want (september 1996) english version of 'laat me los'
still be friends (december 1996)

in dutch
i do not make a habit out of this, but sometimes it just happens - a song works better in dutch. this is the case with these rarities ...

achter de kast (may 2001) with paul hooymans
venetie punt
(july 2002) with pauline, gerbas, estelle & thom
watervallen (october 2003)

own lyrics to existing songs
every once in a while, on special occasions, i write different lyrics to songs written by other people. this is something i usually hate to do, but sometimes it works out just fine.

zo mooi (july 1999) based on 'zo mooi' by harrie jekkers