Beyond The Horizon
Gertjan Wijnalda, december 1997

about this song
december is always a great month for me to write, and the 1997-version wasn't different. it was my first approach to a more 'mystical' lyric instead of the plain 'i'm walking on the street and i'm looking at what a lovely weather it is'-texts.

what you see is quite often not what you get. that's true for both the song itself and it's meaning. the last sentence is quite a different ending that what you would've expected from the beginning.

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Beyond The Horizon
(G.L. Wijnalda)

Not quite knowing what this new world’s about
They need a brave soldier to explore and to find out
What the territory’s like, and how the residents act
The impact you’ll have, the people you’ll attract

Beyond the horizon, unseen things are awaking
Beyond the horizon, unexplored lands lie waiting
To be explored

So out I go, knowing not what I will find
It may sound strange, but I’m trav’ling through your mind
The journey’s difficult, many obstacles faced
Many thoughts created, many thougts erased

Beyond the horizon, of the edges of your eyes
Beyond that edges, lay the deep dark nights
Of your mem’ries

Beyond the edges, of your lovely head
Beyond that edges, lies the meaning
Of what you’ve said

Weary and tired, the trip lasts forever
But the end result is worth the endeavour
I’ve found out what’s inside you, not how you’re looking

But I must admit that both things are the best
I’ve ever seen