Gertjan Wijnalda, september 2000

about this song
the music was written for a musical but turned out to be another 'solo'-song. the lyrics were written with someone in mind, but turned out to be for someone else at the time the song got it's definitive shape. nothing is what it seems.

listen to it   [ realaudio ]
there is no recording of this song available at this time.

(G.L. Wijnalda)

Hey little girl, why don't you hold on
Why don't you just grab a coat and follow
Hey little girl, just try to remember
Explore the inside, our sleazy and hollow

It is not one lonely thought
It's a floodwave, an avalanche
A forgotten wish that somehow survived
Why don't you hold on - reminisce

Hey little girl, why don't you get out
Why don't you just leave my head and vanish
Hey little girl, just try to forget it - ignore it

'Cause forgetting will open a way for you
To grow up, open up, throw off all your elvish

It can block all your feelings
It's a floodwave, an avalanche
A forgotten wish that somehow survived
Why don't you hold on - reminisce

If you are grown up and found our wish somehow
You'll forget the disappointments
And then it doesn't matter if you still reminisce
