Gertjan Wijnalda, april 1998

about this song
when i was in Amsterdam one rainy day, near the central station all kinds of junks were sitting there. i had to walk past them, and couldn't keep myself from looking down. i looked right in the eyes of a girl who couldn't be much older than i was, at the time. the situation really shocked me, since it made me realize what a creep i was to walk on. to just go, not looking back.

when i was in london, the same year, i saw a woman walking in a little street, desperately trying to light a cigarette. i imagined that could've been the girl i saw at the station. finally, when i got home, i wrote this very song you're currently looking at.

listen to it   [ realaudio ]
there is no recording of this song available at this time.

(G.L. Wijnalda)

I met Lucy on a little square in London
Where she was sitting in the pouring rain
She did nothing to hide herself
For raindrops falling on her face
As she lighted the only cigarette she had

As she began to tell, I felt my world turn upside down
And I wonder how one could get in such a mess
Lucy had left her house when she was sixteen
And never returned back home
Sleeping on the streets, she managed to get along

Lucy, go on and tell your story
I long to know what you've been through
Lucy, you must know that you can trust me
I won't tell anyone if you don't want to, oh Lucy

Filling her lungs with smoke that slowly takes it's toll
It's crashing her world, nothing remains the same
Her thoughts they aren't clear
She only sees what not exists
And I wonder, how one could get out of such a mess


Do you really want to live in a world like this?
Where people are sleeping on the streets
Finding yourself too good to help them out
To help a little girl like her


Lucy, go on and tell your story
Maybe they'll once look through your eyes
Lucy, you're the one who can make them see
You have a right to live in this world too, oh Lucy