Still Be Friends
Leo & Gertjan Wijnalda, december 1996

about this song
the lyrics for still be friends were written during one of the first nights that i was alone in the house, my parents were away to a play. my father played me some chords and a melodyline just before he went, and i used that to write the other parts of the song. the text is a very 'visual' and honest approach to the situation that i was in at that moment.

the girl for whom it was written heard it live once but didn't quite wanted to hear it at that time. later, we got along pretty well (we're still friends!) and some years after the writing of this song i finally played it for her. quite a good laugh at that time, and yet seemed to be worth a kiss - which i didn't mind, i might say!

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there is no recording of this song available at this time.

Still Be Friends
(music: L. Wijnalda / G.L. Wijnalda, lyrics: G.L. Wijnalda)

I am not one of those who easily talk about themselves
When I try to say a thing, the wrong words come out of my mouth
The first time I saw you, it was love at first sight for me
But I didn't let you know, 'cause I was afraid to scare you

For sure I know that I never had a real chance here
But love makes blind you see, and I just got this strange idea
That now I should just let you know somewhere, sometime, somehow
Just call it lack, lack of experience

Wanna be your friend every morning
Wanna be your friend on a sunny afternoon
And I wanna be your friend as long as I'm alive
Let's still be friends after all

I called you far too much, too much and far too long
We biked to home together, and talked about all kinds of different things
I was too weak to say that I just loved you
Because I know you don't, but I want you to know

So I wrote a poem and I gave that to you
You didn't read it there, because there were so many others
I created a situation, you felt uncomfortable
But it was the only way, the only way for me

Wanna be your friend every evening
Wanna be your friend on a rainy saturday
And I wanna be your friend as long as I'm alive
Let's still be friends after all

Back then it all started, and through the phone you told me that
You think that I'm a nice guy, but you'll never fall in love with me
But that wasn't just the worst, 'cause you acted strange to me
And since then I seemed to irritate you

Since then I'm not in love anymore, just want you as my friend
Oh, won't you sing with me, come on and try again to sing with me
Don't leave me wondering - why can't we be friends?
No love anymore for me, but our friendship never ends

So I wrote this song for you, so you will never say
I just sat there and stared at you, didn't do anything all day
So I wrote this song for you, so you will never say
That I don't wanna be your friend, after all

Wanna be your friend right this moment
Wanna be your friend under a blue blue sky
And I wanna be your friend as long as I'm alive
Let's still be friends after all

Let's still be friends
After all