Fatal Addiction
Aliek Uijlenbroek & Gertjan Wijnalda, october 1996

about this song
aliek and i played together since the recording of je kan het niet verbergen in june of the same year as we started writing together. the dutch police wanted young people to write and play songs for a record against alcohol and drugs (mainly in traffic) called School's Out for D&A. we saw the advertisement and within a few days this song was completed.

the lyrics were written mainly by aliek, who decided to write about a female character since 'all those kinds of songs are about men most of the time'. the bridge (the wicked things...) was written by me, trying to capture the feeling of a bad trip, as well as the chorus. most of the music was written by me as well, with the second vocal line entirely made up by aliek.

the final title was decided after most of the song was written, by both of us in a very long phonecall.

listen to it   [ realaudio ]
there is no recording of this song available at this time.

Fatal Addiction
(A.W. Uijlenbroek / G.L. Wijnalda)

She can't give anymore, she's exhausted
Although she's high, she's thinking
How would she live without
Without this terrible addiction

She's thinking of her life before
How many friends she used to have
How exciting it all seemed
And how drastic it turned out

Made the wrong choices
Met the wrong people
Losing almost everything
Having a fatal addiction
Having a fatal addiction

And when she stopped denying
It was already too late
Her whole world fell apart
And she even stopped trying


The wicked things feel so right tonight
The colored pills and sweaty crowds
Were spinning 'round and 'round
And then, at the height of it all
The crash


Having a fatal addiction