Gertjan Wijnalda, november 1996

about this song
and finally when i was fifteen years old it was time for my first complete own song. i remember it as a montruous project, it literally costed me weeks to write... and it still stands up as one of the few texts i've written that makes sense and does rhyme - now how's that?

listen to it   [ realaudio ]
there is currently no recording of this song available.

(G.L. Wijnalda)

Why do you sit there, decadent soul-searching
Why do you pray when it's not to yourself
Why will you cry when a tragedy's spoken
Not your concern, it ain't not in your heart

A building burns and falls to the ground
An atom bomb drops without a sound
A child is hit by a passing car
A black hole forms from a dying star

Maybe I'm fucked up, maybe I'm crazy
My once so clear future is now dim and hazy
Will a painful sigh, everything's dying
And the only thing I can think about now is why
Why - oh - why

Somebody dies a meaningless death
I feel withered and out of breath
A war is waged across the land
There's no one left to hold my hand

We see ourselves not by race, not by person
And day by day, the world will worsen
We're killing ourselves each passing day
There's no way back, it's sad to say


An innocent man has been accused
Of a choice that he didn't choose
The trigger was pulled, but not by him
His damn bright future has now turned dim

You call it ironic, I call it a sin
But can you feel yourself dying from within
You feel alone, with no one to blame
Just come to me, where it's all the same


This place is hell, and here will I wait
For those who destroy their heavenly fate
Crushed, deleted and left to die
I look at the world and I ask myself why

Chorus twice